It’s a tragedy that the Legislature of the State of Louisiana at the behest of its Governor will go into a Special Session to authorize the reinstatement of the death penalty for death row inmates in Louisiana. Nothing that anyone says or writes in opposition to the Governor’s decision to carry out the death penalty will deter him from wanting to see the death penalty brought back into use.

The Catholic Church of which the Governor is a congregant is strongly against the death penalty but apparently that is no matter to the Governor and I believe unfortunately that there will be inmates who will be put to death by the State when the Governor signs their death warrants. Somehow I can’t square the Governor’s strong desire to bring back the death penalty in the State on one hand that will authorize the killing of human beings while on the other hand pushing for the plastering of public school classroom walls with the Ten Commandments for the youth of the State to read and ask questions about their meaning.

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That disconnect has always been a major problem with mixing religion and politics, has it not?

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Always find it amazing how a person of such small stature wants to show how big he is by promoting Catholicism through murder.

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God help Louisiana. 😩😩😩

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Your piece proves that facts no longer matter and, in this case, haven't ever mattered. There is NO logical argument for the death penalty.

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There is no argument for the death penalty. The Governor wants to bring it back to Louisiana and there is nothing in this world that is going to stand in his way from imposing it and beginning to take the lives of death row inmates on death row in Louisiana.

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There's so much I could say about this tragedy of injustice, but your comment rightly references the obscene hypocrisy of forcing schools to display the Ten Commandments on classroom walls. What that actually teaches is that the Ten Commandments are meaningless in practice.

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Years ago maybe 1999, I saw a play in a San Francisco theater called Exonerated. It told the story of 8 death row inmates who were found to be innocent sometimes even after they were put to death. Since then I am opposed to the death penalty. Thank you for this article

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