The day after the General Election, the good people of Louisiana should start a grassroots recall effort of Senator Kennedy. He does not represent the temperament nor civility that we expect of our leaders. His example of bigotry in the hearing with Ms Berry tells a story, a story that we surly do not want our children or grandchildren to repeat. We, as a melting pot of people in Louisiana, are better than that. The Graham Nash song starts out, “teach your children well”; well, let’s not let Senator Kennedy teach, by his example, our children anymore.

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I fully agree. The "good" people of Louisiana also need to rise up and vote against his hero, Mr. Trump who has made equally outrageous public statements and, like Kennedy, has failed to listen to the answers he has already been given in order to stay on script or simply go off the reservation entirely. Both of them rely on the support of people we have to assume like and are like them and, as Jim Engster and Mark Ballard agreed this morning, Mr. Kennedy may have picked up support with his despicable behavior in the hearing. Is that sad or what? P. S. Though they didn't get the publicity Kornpone got, Senators Graham and Cruz also did what they could to derail the purpose of the committee meeting and denigrate the witness.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Robert Mann

There’s almost too much in your piece on which to comment. However, I will make one comment regarding Sen. John Kennedy; namely, what a disgrace of a US Senator he is! I have been a constituent of some good US Senators in another state and they served in their Senate office(s) with honor. John Kennedy’s performances as Senator are disgraceful to his office and to this constituent in Louisiana.

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Your picture, Bob, is worth the proverbial 1,000 words. Note the weak thumbs up Trump salute that Johnson is giving and that his wife didn’t get the message. Also why would a “Christian” expose his wife to Trump? Ms. Liz’s comment is not a good omen for President Tate.

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The situation in D. C. reminds me of the way former Gov. Edwin Edwards was able to derail many of the things Gov. Roemer attempted to do using his continuing power and support among state legislators. I continue to hope Mr. Trump will not have the success Mr. Edwards had using that tactic in his re-election attempt. The sacrifice of the greater good for political power is certainly nothing new, but it has reached a new low, its greatest exemplar being John Neely Kennedy. Thanks for publishing my comments on the budget which continues to be a testament to hypocrisy.

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Unfortunately, the effects of Trump and Trumpism will remain long after the man has gone away (hopefully to federal or state prison). The Republican Party as we knew is no more. As a Democrat I guess I should celebrate, but having a sensible opposition is a good thing. While I may not have agreed with late Senators/POTUS candidates John McCain and Bob Dole, no one doubted their common sense or commitment to America. I do question the commitment to democracy and the good intentions of the Maga-crowd and the politicians bowing to them. I am not as confident as George Will in believing the end of Trump will be a return to normalcy. As far as the GOP goes, I am afraid there is a new normal--lunacy and open bigotry.

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