Sep 17Liked by Robert Mann

Really have a hard time understanding the undecided voters… listen the Trump for two minutes and it should be abundantly clear.

He’s bonkers.

Absolutely bonkers.






All. About. Him.

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Sep 17Liked by Robert Mann

“Nothing is clear to me” - seriously?

- Donald Trump was a chief architect of the racist lie that Obama was not born in America.

- The “Grab em by the Pu$$y” tape - that was Donald Trump.

- Donald Trump lied about having bone spurs to avoid military service

- Donald Trump has disparaged military service at every turn; disparagement of McCain/ “suckers and losers” / Presidential Medal of Freedom “better” than Medal of Honor.

- Donald Trump has been surrounded by felons like Manafort, Flynn, Bannon, Stone, Cohen, Weiselberg.

- Trump U shutdown and millions in fines due to fraud/ Trump Foundation shutdown due to fraud/ Trump Org CFO in prison for fraud

- Trump paid off a pornstar and is a convicted felon for doing it

- Trump was convicted of sexual assault in civil court

- Trump is a huckster pushing nonsense like gold tennis shoes, cards, and Bibles on his cult.

- Trump lied about the 2016 election - Hillary got “3-5 million illegal votes.” Amazingly this fool convened a commission to investigate voter fraud - after meeting for weeks - they found not a single fraudulent vote. Not one person was identified or arrested.

- Trump lied about the 2020 election. “I won in a landslide.” Biden got 81M votes, Trump got 74M votes. Trump filed over 60 lawsuits claiming voter fraud - every single one dismissed due to a lack of evidence.

Yep, it’s all so unclear. And - Really disappointed in Brett Stephens article. He said Kamala was “untested.” Seriously? She’s the F ing Vice President and a former Senator.

We are living in the Twilight Zone

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Excellent list!

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Sep 17Liked by Robert Mann

I can understand people not liking Harris. She comes across as a typical politician who will say anything to get elected. I can understand why people don't like the Democratic Party, which like the GOP, seems out of touch with concerns of the common person. I can understand fearing in influx of undocumented people through an unsecured southern border, and in spite of what some say, it isn't secured. I can understand some not liking progressive positions which at times seem to support abortion up until birth and the notion that men can get pregnant. I can understand all that.

I can't understand even considering voting for a rapist, a convicted criminal, a man who encouraged people to storm the Capitol and overturn an election, a man who insults veterans, and lies more than any other person I have ever heard. Trump has to be stopped. There is no choice. Even if you don't like the progressive policies promoted by the Democrats, don't vote for a criminal/rapists/liar/traitor. Vote for Harris, and if you really fear progressive policies, vote your conscience for other offices. But don't vote for Trump. Harris has to win and win decisively.

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Sep 17Liked by Robert Mann

I too have a difficult time understanding the Trump follower, the undecided, how the hell the Republican Party became the party of Trump.

We need Harris to set us back on course and send the mad man away to some distant golf course.

We need a leader who can pull this country together with positivity, a firm plan for a future made possible with compromise and common sense for the good of the USA.

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Amen, indeed!! Trump voters clearly lack altruism, compassion and empathy. I am sure that is also true of some undecided voters. However, I believe most undecided voters are so disengaged from politics they have no idea what Trump or Harris stand for - and don't want to. They are, in other words, willfully ignorant and are often proud of it. They are the people who, when asked if they saw "60 Minutes" Sunday night will tell you, "I don't watch television." When asked if they read an article in their local newspaper, they say, "I don't read the paper anymore. It's just too depressing." They are the ostriches of the human species. Trying to reach them is as hard as trying to reason with people who allege to know a lot about Mr. Trump yet support him.

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